You might have many confusions on lab created diamond fluorescence. Why colored lights which emit differently from the certain diamonds. Why some of the diamonds look hazy and milky? And many other questions will arise over time. So, today in this article we are going to discuss the diamond fluorescence.
What is Lab-Grown Diamond Fluorescence?

The glow that you might see in a diamond when exposing to an ultra-violet or UV ray is the fluorescence in diamonds. When a diamond is exposed under ultra-violet light the diamonds it fluorescence different colors. These colors may in white, yellow, and green, orange, blue, or even red. In GIA the fluorescence in diamonds is graded as none, faint, medium, strong, and very strong.
The fluorescence doesn’t directly correlate to the color or clarity of a diamond. But about 30% to 50% of all the diamonds fluorescence to some degree. Hence, the same strength of fluorescence can be exhibit from two completely different color and clarity grade diamonds.
The fluorescence of a lab-grown diamonds is caused by submicroscopic structures within the crystals. The most common fluorescence present in a diamond is the color blue which is the presence of nitrogen atoms present within the carbon lattice. This fluorescence will either appear hazy or may improve the color of the diamonds.
The History of Diamond Fluorescence

In the past, the diamonds which had blue-white color or the colorless diamonds with strong blue fluorescence were costly and didn’t have any harmful effects. The diamonds which appeared as the milky effect were known as blue-white diamonds as they were referred to as the term over blues in the diamond industry.
Diamonds that are found in the colorless range are depreciating on the base of the levels of fluorescence. There are some negative ways too of a high fluorescence diamonds.
The milky effect seen in strong fluorescence diamonds is not the best quality diamonds.
The fluorescence affects the purity of diamonds because of the presence of a defect.
Fluorescence is good or bad?

The fluorescence of a diamonds is just for identifying the characteristics, not the feature. So, you can’t simply consider as good or bad. In some cases, from medium to strong blue fluorescence might be considered as good as it tends to the yellow color which appears to whiter shade in the lightning environment with sufficient ultraviolet rays.
In certain cases, the fluorescence of diamonds can be consider as a defect. The fluorescence of a lab-grown diamonds is too strong it makes the diamonds appear to be cloudy and hazy which makes it worse.
In recent studies, it has been demonstrated that if the light source from a distance is increased it will diminish because of the fluorescence effects. To bring out the fluorescence effect of a diamonds only if viewed circumstances of the distance light source. Therefore, the fluorescence if false when the appearance of diamonds is in lower colors improves.
When fluorescence can lower a diamond’s quality?

Here are some examples which can describe when fluorescence can lower a diamond’s quality:
- Medium Blue Fluorescence with a high color grade can make a diamonds appear to be milky or hazy.
- Strong or very strong blue fluorescence can make a diamonds appear to be cloudy or hazy.
- D, E, & F color diamonds with any fluorescence can be considered to be less valuable and less expensive.
How Can The Fluorescence Improve The Color Of A Diamond?

Well, it’s true that the appearance of color in a diamond usually will improve due to fluorescence. The diamonds with strong blue fluorescence may appear as milky or hazy, but the more you prefer the lower color grade will be milky.
On the other hand, the medium blue fluorescence color with any yellowish tint can make the diamonds appear to be whiter. This affects the appearance and the color grade of a diamond. The shine and sparkle of a diamonds are caused by fluorescence more than a diamond which lacks the properties of fluorescence.
Tips for buying lab-diamond with fluorescence

1. As fluorescence of a lab-grown diamond can impact the appearance, color, and pricing so we can’t consider it as a bad purchase.
2. The medium blue fluorescence of a lab-grown diamonds can often improve the color grade H, I or J will appear to be whiter.
3. Strong blue fluorescence doesn’t mean that it will impact on the appearance of the color of a lab-grown diamond.
4. The lab-grown diamonds above the color G or higher will not have any fluorescence.
5. Always check the retailer return policy while shopping fluorescence diamonds.
6. Without missing the brilliancy of a faint fluorescence lab-grown diamond will save you money.
7. It is okay if you ask your retailer to show the diamonds under UV and normal light.