How to Stay Healthy During Winter?
When thinking about winter, the first thing that comes in mind is a hot chocolate with marshmallows? And a thick blanket to keep yourself warm. But this implicates a lot of sugar and calories being stored by your body and, eventually, increasing your own weight. And it is cold and gray outside, so what don’t you take a nap while you are still warm?. Do not let spring be the season of regret for your coziness. Here is a shortlist of 5 Tips to stay healthy during the winter season :
1. Go Out and Work Out!
Yeah, yeah, we know: it is cold, it is gray, the bed is so comfortable and there is no heating outside. Still, winter is actually a good time to work out in the outside. Even when the temperatures are close to 5°C . If you already have a work out regime, keep up with it; if it implicates going outside and running, there are plenty of options in the market to get yourself a nice set of winter sport clothes.
No matter whether you have no workout plan and want to do one during this season, then it is also possible!; a 15-minute run through a white forest over fresh snow is a sensation that can be very motivating. Just remember: wear a scarf to protect your face from the cold air. A pair of gloves to avoid freezing your fingers, warm your muscles with a pre-workout session to avoid injuries. And a good sports jacket to protect your chest. And even if you still don’t want to go outside. You can always make a work-out session indoors, so there is no excuse!
2. Eat Healthy

This is not only necessary during winter, but the whole year: a balanced diet is a must if you want to keep yourself in good shape, mood and health. But, as previously mentioned, the winter cold could lead you to increase the sugar intake in a daily basis: small candies, hot beverages with added sugar. Deep fried or calorie-high foods are something that can be more common during cold times.
Supermarkets and other stores have always plenty of variety, even when the ground is covered in snow: fresh fruits and vegetables, low carb foods, whole grains, fresh meat, among others. Try to keep a healthy schedule when eating. You can lose yourself with time when the sun’s not shining through the window.
If you still want hot beverages to keep yourself warm. Prefer the healthier option of tea, which is also easy to get and has additional benefits that will help you on your day.
3. Beware of Colds in Winter!

Wintertime also comes with dripping red noses, swollen eyes and throats, fever and a general sensation of fatigue: the flu and the winter come together like a dangerous couple.
To avoid it, always go out well protected: a comfortable jacket that keeps you warm on the cold. A scarf that covers your mouth and nose from the bacteria that floats in the wind. A pair of resistant boots that keep your feet comfortable. And your socks dry and a hoodie that protects your head and ears from the snow and the low temperatures.
If you still catch a cold, do not fear: a cup of hot tea with ginger and lemon and some rest in bed will help you to go through those rough times. Also, and this applies to the whole year: do not auto medicate!, always consult a health professional before consuming any medicines.
4. Drink Water Regularly

During winter, the air can get especially dry, which can lead you to feel more thirsty than usual. Do not ignore this feeling: keeping yourself well hydrated could help you avoid getting sick. When your mouth and throat are too dry, you could experience pain when swallowing food and even by breathing through your nose; also, the skin on your lips could break and cause injuries. Keep bottle water close to you and some lip balm to protect yourself from the dry wind.
Also, back home, try to keep a good level of humidity inside your house to avoid having a very dry environment, which could lead to bad sleeping. A very simple tip for this: if you happen to have a heater at home. Put a small cup of water on top of the radiator when it is on. So a part of the water can evaporate, keeping your air humid enough for you to feel comfortable. The recipient should be a good heat transferer, so materials like ceramic and thin plastic are preferable.
5. Avoid Stress and Bad Mood

Winter can be sad for some people: the sky is almost always gray, the sun can be hidden for days. The days seem to be shorter because the sun comes down earlier and the temperatures are quite low. Do not let this affect your mood, winter is still a beautiful season: walking through white-painted forests and mountains can be a unique experience.
Also, winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, and some other winter sports can be very fun to practice on your own or with some company.
And if you’re not the type of person that enjoys cold temperatures, you can always stay indoors, put on a blanket or turn on the heater, and enjoy a good movie, a book or some activities with friends and family. Cold temperatures do not necessarily mean cold hearts!