The list of things to do after your engagement – Wedding Planning To Do List
After the shock and surprise, you got from getting engaged, there are so many decisions that you need to make. This is because you are now sure that the big day is on the horizon. While it can be tiring, this article will not only reveal the most important activities wedding planning to do list, you need to carry out to get your wedding plans underway. It will also explain how to get these activities done with ease.
Pick a venue and date

Immediately after your engagement, everyone will be asking you for the date of the wedding. However, the first thing you have to do is choosing and booking the venue for the wedding. Therefore, the most important thing to do after choosing a venue is to choose and settle for a date that will work for you. You can start by having a range of dates or choosing at least five dates before you start eliminating them one after another. However, you should take into what season, holiday or family anniversaries you will like to fix your wedding. It is important that your weddings do not clash with other important family events.
Come Up with Your Style
It is important for you to take your time to imagine how you want your wedding to be: what kind of ceremony do you want, which venue are you seeing in your dreams, what kind of dresses will you use. Other important questions to consider before you make your final choice are: How big do you want your wedding to be, how many people will be invited, in a hall or in a garden. You can get ideas in magazines, online wedding photos, and even a wedding planner. However, you should carry a pen and paper at all times so you can write your inspirations.
Set a budget
To arrive at a budget, you need to sit down with your families and if possible friends to know how much they are contributing. Since the amount they will contribute will affect your purchases and planning, it is important to put together your budget prior to planning. While it can be uncomfortable for both of you, your families and friends, it is a necessary evil.
Draw up a Guest List
There are a number of factors that you need to consider while drafting a guest list. For example, if you have already chosen a venue for your wedding, you should take into consideration how many people the venue can take. If you are planning a small wedding with just family and a few friends, you will also know who to invite. However, you should remember that more guests would translate to higher costs in terms of catering to the needs of the guests. Also, consider your budget while drawing up a guest list.
Indemnify Your Engagement Ring

Ensuring your wedding ring means that you will not be worried about losing your engagement ring. And even if it gets missing, you will be sure that the insurance company will reimburse you and your fiancé. There are two means of ensuring your ring: by including it in your renter’s or homeowner’s policy so they will recompense you and your fiancé if you lose the ring or through a company that specializes in jewelry insurance, whose package will offer better policy than the homeowner’s policy by restituting a lost or stolen ring.
Choose Your Wedding Party

This is where you choose your bridesmaids and groomsmen for the wedding. It is important to ask them earlier so they can adjust their schedule to participate adequately. Since your bridesmaids and groomsmen will be spending their money and precious time for you to have a beautiful wedding. It is imperative that you are thoughtful enough to inform them. About your plans and ensure they know how important they are to you.
Hire Important Vendor
Hire the local band you want to play at your wedding reception. And make sure you do so in advance so they can add your event to their calendar. Also, it is important that you get a good photographer who is good and efficient. For your information, the majority of the best wedding photographers. And other important vendors like a good band are usually booked more than a year in advance. So make sure you contact them on time.
Shop for Dresses for you and your Fiancé

A good place to start your search is online dress photos, and save the ones that appeal to you. After this, it is important to learn how clothes are called in the designer’ language before going to a dress salon. Study the shapes, necklines, and colors that appeal to you. The season you have chosen for your wedding will also affect your dress style.