Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Flawless?

are lab-grown diamond flawless

The inclusions and the Imperfections which is present in the natural diamonds can also occur in the lab-grown diamonds. The growth process of a laboratory-grown diamond is very similar to the growth process of the mined diamonds. This means that the growth process of a lab-grown diamond is identical to the process. Where the carbon crystallizes into diamonds in the mantle of the earth’s crust. 

Not all lab-grown diamonds are completely flawless. The lab-grown diamonds are graded according to the 4 c’s (cut, clarity, carat weight, and color). Similar to the grading process of mined diamonds. 

The Growing Process of Natural Diamonds & Lab-Grown Diamonds

the growing process of natural diamonds and lab-grown diamond

To understand the extreme similar process of growing lab-grown diamonds. It’s important to understand the creation of the natural diamonds that are form in the earth. 

Natural Diamonds

natural diamond formation

The formation of natural diamonds is begin through billions of years ago in the mantle within the earth’s crust. The carbon dioxide is roughly buried through 100 miles beneath the earth’s surface. Where it gets exposed to heat in 2,200⁰F and the pressure of roughly 727,000 pounds per square inch. Hence, due to pressure and heat the carbon dioxide results in a diamond.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

The two speed-up processes of the formation of man-made diamonds in labs are done by HPHT or High-Pressure High-Temperature and CVD or Chemical Vapor Depositions. 

lab-grown diamond formation

HPHT or High-Pressure High-Temperature process of diamonds is created by a diamond seed that is placed in the carbon. To form a pure carbon diamond the diamond seed is exposed to an extremely high temperature and pressure. Where the carbon melts and starts to form a diamond around the diamond seed. Then it is cool down to form a pure diamond carbon. 

CVD lab-grown diamonds

CVD or Chemical Vapor Deposition method of growing lab-grown diamonds begins with a thin slice of a diamond seed. Where the diamond is placed in a sealed chamber. In this sealed chamber the diamond seed is exposed in 800⁰C heat. The carbon rich-gas which are ionized into plasma is filled in the sealed chamber. In this process, the pure carbon sticks to the diamond seed. Which crystalizes into a diamond whereas the ionization breaks the molecular bonds in gases. 

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Graded?

how are lab-grown diamonds graded

However, both the natural diamonds and the lab-grown diamonds include a different amount of inclusion and flaws. So there is no full guarantee on perfect diamond. Whether it takes billions of years or just a couple of months to form. 

4cs cut color clarity and carat

The grading of a diamond is done by identifying the 4c’s which are cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. The grading process of both natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds are the same. When the diamonds are sent for the grading certification in the lab’s, several gemmologists grade each diamond individually. Then the grading system allows the process where the final grading to combine.

This grading process includes the flaws and inclusions. How the diamond has been cut down into a jewel form its raw form. How much a diamond is flawless and clear, and the size of a diamond. So, the fewer flaws and inclusions are visible in a diamond are the better. 

Just remember that every diamond is different and unique like a relationship of a couple. Maybe finding a perfect lab-grown diamond engagement ring may be difficult. But our diamond experts are here to help you out in every step to choose the right one for yourself.