When people become attracted to each other. Love tends to blossom and soon they know they have met “the one”. Now it is natural to dream about the future together with them. But dreaming is one thing and actually doing it is another. Before couples get engaged a great deal of thought encompasses them. Ensuring they are compatible and ready for the long road…until death do us part.
As a guy, after due consideration and careful deliberation. You have come to the culmination that you need to put the ring on her. When planning the proposal, it should reflect your relationship. And centered on the person you are asking to spend your life with. Over the course of time, you spent together. You have picked up a thing or two about their preferences. Their dislikes and much more, use this to create a unique marriage proposal. And make it a sensory experience, make it all about them. Next, find that beautiful ring, JAVDA has the best rings at a considerable purchase price.
A good idea is proposing over candlelight dinner. This always works best and are mostly used. The difference, however, is your ingenuity. And creativity and effort put into the marriage proposal. Dinner dates are always about romance and love. A romantic dinner date can be fun, adventurous, exotic, cheap or even expensive. But what really matters is the love shared the connection you both have. It can be enjoyed in many ways. The key words here being love, dinner, and candles.
To systematically arrange a Candlelight dinner, you need to plan and pay attention to crucial details. Ultimately your girlfriend will notice and it will make it a memorable moment for her. Here are candle light dinner tips to drive the nail through and get that resounding yes from your soon-to-be-fiancée.
- Plan the menu for the candlelight dinner. If your girlfriend has her favorite dish, prepare that otherwise there are many choices to choose from. It can be exotic cuisine or simply take-out. Online recipes available can help you prepare the food, so do some research that suits the preference.
- Have the necessary and appropriate drinks, alcohol, and lemon water. You can create that favorite cocktail your girl has always liked.
- Set the dining area with various ornaments, have the candle stands ready, scented candles, necessary tableware; cutlery and napkins, table mats and drinking glasses.
- Ensure you have that romantic music prepared. This can be slow music like jazz and bossa nova or basically any music that relaxes both of you. The volume level must not be over your voice when speaking to her.
- Dim the lights and use adequate candles. You don’t want to squint your eyes to look at your girlfriend now do you?
- Keep away from distraction, switch off your phone, surely the world wouldn’t crumble in a single night. Enjoy each other’s company.
- Be confident and be yourself.