How to purchase an engagement ring?
An engagement ring may have a lasting effect on the bride-to-be’s innermost self despite. The fact that a flamboyant ring does not necessarily mean that the relationship will last. However, spending on an engagement ring can be a show of just how much your special lady means to you. Therefore, there are some factors you can take into consideration. When buying an engagement ring to ensure you’re not left penniless once the purchase is made.
It is okay to defy tradition
The customary rule of thumb has always been that anywhere between 1-3 months’ salary should be spent on an engagement ring by the groom. However, times have changed and some women would not feel comfortable with their fiancé spending that much on a ring on account of other priorities in the marriage. If this is the case you can opt for auctioned rings. As you might find them to be a bit cheaper. Or you can go for the non-traditional metals as opposed to just gold or silver.
Take your lifestyle into consideration
Even though a huge diamond jewel might look splendid in the store, it might not be practical to wear it daily. Especially if whoever is going to be wearing it is quite active. You might want to consider buying a flat band with small diamonds as opposed to the customary large diamond. You’ll find it to be both cheaper and more practical for an active lady.
Know more about the 4 C’s
These include cut, clarity, color and carat. And are quite significant when choosing a diamond if you are set on a diamond. Familiarizing yourself with these 4 factors ensures you’ll get a diamond that is worth the money you’ll spend on the ring seeing as it is the priciest part of the ring.
The weight of the diamond is what is referred to as Carat. Clarity defines the fine features of the diamond that can be viewed under magnification. A majority of diamonds have a touch of color which can be graded from D-Z in terms of the shades. Cut refers to the placement, shape and the number of facets in the diamond and the bouncing of light off the facets is what will cause sparkling of the diamond. These 4 C’s will vary depending on what the wearer of the ring likes and this might lead to price variation depending on the degree of the factors chosen for the ring.
Take your time in buying the engagement ring
You can go to plenty of jewelers in search of the perfect ring for your partner seeing as there is no specific timeline in purchase an engagement ring. Make lots of inquiries; don’t be shy in asking about price negotiation and upcoming sales and stock. This will ensure your purchase is rational and you will get the best buy for your money in the process.