Well, Yes! Or No! A lab-created diamonds will pass every test which is used to confirm a pure carbon diamond. Whereas there are two different ways to test a lab-grown diamond. But the important part is to know about the tests that a lab-grown diamond will pass or fail.
In terms of physical and chemical properties, lab-created diamonds will pass the test. Whereas, in terms of experts when the lab-created diamonds pass the tests have a difference and are quite noticeable.

For decades, the natural diamonds have been in choice as a center stone of and engagement ring. Lab-created diamonds are real but for the rising of environmental issues, it is becoming the trend. As the clarity, aesthetic, and sparkle of a lab-grown diamond are identical to the natural diamonds.
If you are thinking that the lab-created diamonds are the diamond simulants then this is not true. The cubic zirconia or CZ and moissanite are the diamond simulants as the lab-created diamond is the suggested name of a diamond. Lab-grown diamonds will test positive. When using a diamond tester as they are chemically, physically, and optically identical to the natural diamonds.
Between a natural diamond and a lab-created diamonds, there is three physical difference. As none of these differences impacts the optics, brilliancy, and integrity of a diamond.
How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Formed Compared With The Natural Diamonds?

The formation of lab-grown diamonds done by CVD & HPHT like the mined diamonds. There are three ways to compare a lab-created diamond and a natural diamond are as follows:
- The crystal lattice-like structure of a lab-created diamond replicates the natural diamond.
- The lab-grown diamonds are conflict-free and eco-friendly diamonds.
- The crystal structure of a lab-created diamond and the natural diamonds are the same.
Failed Tests of Diamonds

In inexpensive moissanite testers, the HPHT diamonds can be record as moissanite. However, this tester measures the conduct electricity of a stone. Where the lab-created diamond doesn’t conduct electricity unless they are Type IIb and the moissanite does.
Type IIb is generally found in the natural blue diamond. Whereas, some can also be found in the HPHT processed lab-created diamonds. The “Blue Nuance” occurs when boron gas enters the growing chamber. Which conducts electricity and this makes a false positive by tricking the tester.
The term “manufactured” &” synthetic” refers to the process of creation of the lab-grown diamonds. The crystal structures of a lab-created diamond are chemically similar to the natural diamonds. Hence, due to similar chemical composition, the lab-grown diamonds are test to as real diamonds.
It is not so difficult to identify the lab-created diamonds with the natural diamonds. As the lab-grown diamonds have several marks to identify. The GIA has also recognize much lab-grown diamond. Which was fraudulently mixed with the natural diamonds.
A lab-created diamonds have metallic inclusions which can be disclose under 10x magnification. These metallic inclusions are not found in the natural diamond and this reveals the lab-grown diamonds. Whereas, the natural diamonds also have inclusions which are different from the inclusions of the lab-created diamonds. This naturally caused inclusion makes the diamond unique. Which includes the clouds, crystals, and various other qualities that are not found in the lab-grown diamonds.
How to Reveal Fake Diamonds?

There are many ways to identify a fake diamond which includes:
- Firstly, a diamond tester or thermal connectivity probe is the best way to reveal a fake diamond. As a true diamonds will disseminate the heat once applied to them. Because diamonds are very effective in conducting heat.
- A true diamond will conduct electricity very well, whereas the fakes don’t. For conducting electric a tester will provide a useful metric.
- To reveal a small difference in the weight of both stones. A good weighting will separate the diamonds from other stones.