Are Lab-grown Diamonds Fake? This question may comes in your mind when you opt for lab-grown diamond. Nowadays, thanks to the technological advancement of the world; the natural development process of diamonds. Which forms in the mantle below Earth’s crust. Can be duplicate using various advance technological processes in controlled environments or laboratories. And artificial diamonds can be manufactured. These diamonds are called as lab-grown diamonds.
They are often refer to as man-made, artificial, or cultivated diamonds as well. They also are made up of carbon atoms and have a similar crystalline structure to that of natural diamonds. Hence, they also possess similar chemical and optical properties like naturally-mined diamonds.
Lab-grown diamonds are available in many forms and have a variety of color options to choose from. They can be colorless as well as of colors that are very rare. If searched for naturally, with specific pricings for their respective color options. If compared reasonably they offer great pricing options too from that of the natural ones.
Specifications Of Lab-Grown Diamonds: –

The lab-created diamonds are form from carbon particles of pre-existing diamond seeds. With the help of CVD (it is an advanced process of deposition of extreme heat and pressure). The natural diamond formation method is mimicked.
The color options are form equally similar to natural methods-when trace elements are present during their phases of growth. It is so much similar to the natural ones, that they can only be distinguished with the help of specialized devices and equipment. That can detect the differences in their trace elements and their rate of growth of the crystal.
Differentiating Lab-grown diamonds with their counterparts:-

Lab-Grown diamonds though being most similar to the diamonds mined naturally; differ largely from the diamond stimulants in the market. A diamond stimulant is those stones that have a look and feel similar to diamonds. But are not at all similar to them, be it physically or chemically. This is why they sell at prices much lower than that of lab-grown and natural diamonds. Examples of diamond stimulants are moissanite and cubic zirconia.
Be it their refractive properties, their weight or their durability and hardness. Lab-grown diamonds are not at all similar to the diamond stimulants.
Are Lab-grown diamonds similar to the natural diamonds?

If told with reasonable clarification, lab-made diamonds as real as the natural ones. Though some people saying otherwise as they are artificially produced. They have the same physical and chemical properties, clarity, aesthetics, and sparkle to that of the natural diamonds. The properties on which they show their similarities are listed as follows-
- They appear exactly similar to their natural counterparts in terms of their appearance. And are impossible to distinguish by the naked eye. They sparkle equally, shine the same, and look the same.
- Their physical and chemical properties are also exactly similar to that of the naturally mined diamonds.
- Even after extensive usage for a long period, they do not get cloudy or foggy just like the natural ones. As both of them have a similar type of crystalline structure and durable nature.
- If tested on the Mohs scale, both lab-grown and natural diamonds show a ranking of 10 meaning. They are equal in terms of durability and hardness.
- They show the exact durability like those natural diamonds, meaning; if taken care of properly, they shall remain intact for generations to come.
Lab-grown diamonds being better than natural diamonds:-

Lab-manufactured diamonds are better than their natural counterparts being affordable. But with exact superiority, luxury, and durability as the natural once. Even it is not at all an easy task for the gemology experts to differentiate between both of them; hence naturally neither can the rest of the crowd.
Now, with specifications such as above, anyone knowledgeable enough in diamonds. And its manufacturing essentials would undoubtedly opt for the lab cultivated diamonds as they for sure are the superior choice.
Cost-Effectiveness of Lab-grown diamonds:-

Whenever the term diamond comes in our mind, along with it, comes its price tag. But, we know that prices don’t matter on special occasions or for special ones. But still, it is going to be a good day for the buyers when they come to know. That they are getting the same quality and specs of a natural diamond but with prices lesser than it.
Yes, it is a fact that lab-grown diamonds are considerably affordable than that of the natural ones. Just because the mining costs and grading costs of the naturally mined diamonds are not to be included with the lab-made ones. One can save up their hard-earned dollars and may use it up elsewhere as they please.
Production procedures of Lab-made diamonds:-

Though it is relatively a modern term that we might be hearing. Laboratory manufactured diamonds have been there from the late 1950s through during those times. They were manufactured for industrial use.
In the year of 1971, lab-made gemstone quality diamonds were first produced. Which came in the jewelry business in the mid-2010s.
Today, there are typically two types of methods by which lab manufactured diamonds are created.
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

In the method of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), the molecules of carbon-rich gas such as methane are broken down into hydrogen and carbon atoms. This is done when they are deposited on seeds of the diamond which ultimately produces tabular and square-shaped crystals of diamond.
High Pressure High temperature (HPHT)

In this method, the natural conditions of nature are imitate in the laboratory and by doing such, diamond crystals of distinct shape and form are produce.
For most of the sizes, typically a period lesser than a month is require by either of the above-mentioned methods. Now, to add or enhance the colors of the diamonds. Additional heat treatments are require for the diamonds to undergo after their growth process.
Genuineness to the Customers:-

For authenticity, it is very much essential that the consumers or customers should know fully and exactly what they are buying as there are subtle differences and variations between gems and diamonds which may look the same but are of different origins.
For this, a proper report of the type of diamond with its exact specifications and reports along with their retail price should be present to the buyer. Which shall be provided by certified and professional gemologists. Either from the manufacturing company or should be done privately. And also, the tests should be done and control with the help of advanced and sophisticated devices. Which may tell even slightest of the alterations of differences in the diamond or stone.
It is certainly and simply absurd to call lab-grown diamonds as fake; as the gemologists and scientists say exactly the other. Simply, it is of more superior choice than that of the natural ones being more affordable and if require then customizable as well. They shine exactly with the same beauty and preciousness as of the natural ones.
It is a matter of personal preference lastly, but still after knowing all the if’s and but’s. The wisest and the reasonable decision will, of course, be to go for the superior option. Which in this case undoubtedly are the laboratory manufactured and cultivated diamonds