Lab-grown diamonds are a boon to the diamond and diamond jewelry industry. They are the most effective and efficient approach to answer. The recent uprise in demand for diamond-based pieces of jewelry or lab-grown diamond rings among people. They are proof of what can science and technology if used for betterment; can gift the human world with.
Now, one might think of certain questions. Such as what are these stones exactly. And what the process that are utilized for their creation.

We are here to assist in such and any other doubts that one might have. If explained simply, then lab-grown diamonds are those diamonds that are created in scientific laboratories. Under expert supervision and jurisdiction by mimicking the conditions. In which the natural diamonds go through below the earth’s surface at the time of their formation.
There are two ways by which these diamonds are produced or cultivated. The first process involves types of machinery that can produce an extremely high amount of pressure and temperature. Which transforms a small part of a diamond a.k.a a diamond seed; to a full-fledged diamond and goes by the name of High-Pressure High-Temperature method or HPHT method.
The latter is named Chemical Vapor Deposition method or the CVD method and uses hydrocarbon gases to form up into a diamond. These methods are immeasurably valuable to the jewel industry. As they only take a time of about two weeks or less than a month to create a full diamond whereas the natural ones take almost 3 billion years or more in their formation and must be mined or extracted from deep down the earth’s surface too.
After their creation; these diamonds are cut and polish similarly as the natural ones are done and are made business ready.
Their difference from the natural diamonds

Although they are artificially made stones and probably do not belong in any way to nature; they are as much “real” as the natural ones. They show the exact similarities to the natural diamonds in terms of their optical, chemical, and physical properties. Both the types of diamonds are made from crystallized carbon. And as a result, both of them possess gorgeous shine and sparkle along with immense durability.
There are not so many differences between these two types of diamonds. One of the differences is that the naturally formed diamonds have a bit of nitrogen added to them. Whereas the lab-grown diamonds do not and this is one of the indications. Which differ both these types from one another. Also, the glow or fluorescence of lab-grown diamonds tends to be much brighter than the naturally formed ones.

The above reasons are the differences between their chemical properties. There is another huge difference that tends to be one of the reasons. As to why people nowadays are preferring lab-grown diamond rings. It is the cost, as the naturally formed diamonds require a huge amount of energy, labor, and effort. In the process of mining them out from the earth’s surface (also given the fact that they have a higher resale value than the lab-grown ones). They cost almost 30 to 40 percent more than the laboratory manufactured diamonds.
Facts about their grading and certification

There are certain institutes and organizations. Which provide certification and grading points related to the valuation and purity of the diamonds. And provide authenticity to both the people and the jewel companies to use the stones for jewelry purposes. The lab-grown diamonds also go through similar tests and process. As the natural ones and thus are certified in the same way.
The most popular organizations that provide such services are named below-
- American Gem Society or the AGS
- Gemological Institute of America or the GIA
- Gemological Science International or the GSI
- International Gemological Institute or the IGI

These diamonds are graded generally following the rule of 4 C’s which are cut, color, clarity, and carat. The process of grading is almost similar for most of the organizations. They are tested by several gemmologists who prepare each of their reports. All these reports get compiled to a final report which is analyzed and issued as the final grading. There are also other processes in which a diamond may be graded. It generally differs according to the institute where the stone is sent to.
The having of a proper certification report is essential. As it provides the buyer with a peace of mind knowing. That they are buying something that is a genuine product and not something fraud. It is always hence suggested to the buyers to discuss the terms about the certification and grading of the diamond. Whenever they opt for the purchase of such jewelry or lab-grown diamond rings.
Why Should One Opt for a Lab-grown Diamond Rings?

A lab-grown diamond is not only equal to natural diamonds physically and chemically. But it also has several upsides, if compared to the natural diamonds. Below are listed some points going through. Which one should have a prominent enough idea. Why they should go for a laboratory-grown diamond ring. Rather than with the ring which has a naturally grown diamond in it
1) They amount of energy expenditure in the process of lab-grown diamond creation is far less than that of the naturally formed ones. They are made inside laboratories that too; inside closed containers. Whereas the naturally made diamonds are extracted from deep within the earth’s surface. And that too by using a large amount of natural and mechanical energy sources.
2) They are not at all harmful to the environment; in fact, they don’t have anything to do with that of the environment or its ecological systems.
3) They are the cost-efficient yet superior choice if compared according to their quality to cost ratio. Selecting a lab-made diamond ring will almost mean a save of approximately 40 percent. Than what it cost if opted for the natural diamonds. And hence will be less of a pain to one’s wallet.
4) They are of ethical origins and provide the customer with a certain assurance. That they are not in any form related to the term “blood diamonds”. Or in any way is related to exploitation and violence causes of any kind.

Ultimately to conclude, we can say that the lab-grown diamonds are what anyone can dream about a perfect diamond to be and all of it is possible; thanks to the great advancement of science in modern times. With such benefits and qualities that they offer. It is highly recommended and suggested that the next time one goes shopping for lab-grown diamond rings or jewelry; they just might go for anything that comes with the term “laboratory-grown” with full confidence and ease.